Thursday, April 22, 2010

Zach's Busy Days

Zach is learning so much lately. His speech is skyrocketing and it is so much fun to be able to communicate with him. He has lots and lots of words but I will list some of the cutest and my favorites:

Noah(his little buddy)-Nonah
Olivia(another friend)-Ohla or just La

His favorite things:
He loves to push his stroller around and his shopping cart too. He LOVES trucks. Trucks trucks trucks. He has lots and lots of trucks to play with, small, large, you name it. He is constantly pointing them out while we are driving around. He has a book of 100 trucks that Mawmaw and Pawpaw gave him that he makes me read to him about 20 times a day! We have fun at the park almost every day, it is great for him to interact with the other kids and mama gets the chance to socialize with the other mamas. =)

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